The most important aspects of a rendering are accuracy and speed. Eddie LaRosa is the Facilities Manager at a Resort and Conference Center. "We're expanding on our building," LaRosa explained. "We're making a new vestibule for board members. We wanted to know what it was going to look like before we put the money down." For any expensive project, a rendering can help to justify the cost.
With a relatively simple goal, LaRosa's wishlist was also simple. "We wanted someone who can do what VizSource did, and make it look how it is supposed to look before it's done." VizSource was able to make the rendering in a quick time-frame. "It was a great turn-around time, only five days. We had some changes, and we were able to update the rendering." Luckily, the speed did not detract from the visuals. "The graphics look so real."
Responses to the rendering have been warm. "People liked it, they think it's good and they're excited." The project has continued, and LaRosa is pleased. "It was great, and I'm planning to use VizSource again in the future."